Love the patches used on this. Has got that spacey melancholy feel to it, while still being upbeat. The way the delay is used on the main instrument is simply excellent. 5/5 :)
Love the patches used on this. Has got that spacey melancholy feel to it, while still being upbeat. The way the delay is used on the main instrument is simply excellent. 5/5 :)
Thank you
Very nice.
Very pretty. Title fits very well. Though the melodies are fine, the execution feels a little stiff or forced in places. Still very much an enjoyable piece. Rated 5 on site, 7 to 8 out of 10 personally. :)
I came up with the two chord progressions separately (probably months between the two) and thought they sounded good together - however I could understand if someone else thought that there was a bit too much contrast between the two. The lead over the second chord progression could probably have used a little more work...
Thanks for the constructive criticism!
Title is very fitting.
Melodies are pleasant but some of the instruments could use a change in patches. This would also greatly benefit from a less repetitive, more interesting percussion track. Not bad :) Title is very fitting. 7 out of 10.
Has potential
Changes are rather generic though could be very nice if accompanied by the right percussion. Definitely is needing a drum track and a bit of production. Has the potential to be a good pop tune. :) 7 out of 10
Very pretty.
Very pretty. Like the choices of instruments and such. Wish it was longer though. if it progressed more, it'd have good listening longevity. As is now, it's pretty but gets too repetitive. As I said, wish it was longer. Rated 5 on site, 7 to 8 out of 10 personally. :)
Fits it's function very well.
I'd say you met your goal. Nice tight piece. Fits it's function very well.
rated 5 on site, 7 to 8 out of 10 personally :)
Really like the feel of this one. Could use a heavier metal sounding drum kit when the thicker parts of the tune kick in. At times the bass kick sounds too thin as well. Also maybe just a few extra effects added here and there to help with the progression and transitions but seriously nothing major. Like the patches used for the background melodies. Very nice, watery and eerie. Very happy that piano was used. First listen is very good on this one. I REALLY like the reverse (think that's what it was) piano sound mixed in with the piano track. Very sweet. The piece as a whole is actually quite dark but done the right way. I really like dark. Rated this 5 stars on site, 8 out of 10 personally (solid good). :)
The vocals bring it down.
Good bass line. Good choice of patches for it too. Very kickin', makes one want to dance. Unfortunately the vocals kill this for me. Just don't blend well enough with the music. One does grow tired of everyone using that effect on vocals. If they had been more natural and well rounded, it probably would have been much better. I like that this tune brakes into a slower section with piano. Very nice. An instrumental version of this would be awesome. Rating 7 out of 10, would have been higher with out the negatives provided by the vocals.
Thanks for the review! I can completely understand your gripes with the vocal effects. We're really not good enough to go with dry vocals yet, but we've seen a large improvement from when we started. I also agree with you that the effect is overused, but it sounded good and we couldn't get our takes to sound as good without it. Believe me, we tried for a long while. We've gotten a whole lot better at vocals though since starting.
I'm glad you liked the song otherwise tho. Thanks again!
Fun but too thin.
Fun melody, though all too thin in general. This has potential if it was filled in and perhaps given some better transitional effects. A 3rd melody showing up some where to brake things up might increase it's listening longevity as well. Not bad. 6 out of 10.
Hmm .. actually i tried to keep it simple, as i have heard from many non-creators that trance can often be too messy. Thank you very much for the review. Appreciated reading it.
Very nice and melodic.
Doesn't quite have the emotional ambiguity I tend to like in ambient music but that in no way makes this less good. This piece conveys emotion while remaining fairly ambient. Very nice. Gave this a 5 star rating on site. :)
thank you so much. i try not to allow emotion into my meditative music. it tends to ditract from the inner peace. however it certainly needs to retain some kind of relaxing quality. so i kind of went in between LOL.
thanks for your input! :D:D:D and the comment is lovely!
I make music and sounds. I post mostly on newgrounds so people can use them in games and such. My full albums can be found on my home page below.
Age 33, Banana
Old Scool
Joined on 3/12/09