So I'm back to posting here again. Maybe I'll put some more effort into it this time. Take it a bit more seriously. I'll post some of my original material. I've got a bunch of covers that I want to post too but I gota edit them first. Way back when I made them, I thought it'd be cool to have a few samples in there but apparently new ground has 0 tolerance for samples. Which is perfectly fine with me actually. I think the whole sample thing is overrated and outdated. I prefer originality my self.
You might see me saying a lot "I will mix this better when I can" or "production isn't quite finished". When I say "mix" I don't mean take samples of other people's music and mix them together nor do I mean make scratch noises on a turntable. No, I mean studio mixing. which is adjusting the relative volume levels of each instrument so they sit well in the tune. the reason I haven't had a chance to mix things better is because my home town kinda got washed away. I lost a bunch of my shit and had to relocate. putting a life back together is a slow process I'm sorry to say :(