I make music and sounds. I post mostly on newgrounds so people can use them in games and such. My full albums can be found on my home page below.

Age 33, Banana


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Midnight's big dumb list of music related companies

Posted by Midnights-Ocean - November 26th, 2023

Questions welcome, flaming not welcome. If you don't like my experience, don't take it seriously : )

Stuff I have experience with, In no apparent order (I probably forgot a bunch of stuff lol).

Yudin Workshop: Excellent company with super high quality and fair prices. I have never found an instrument quite like this and to date this is the only company that was willing to do custom tuning on a tongue drum including over tones.

Black Salt Audio: I only own one of their plugins, the clipper and it was very disappointing. It's very simple and easy to use, which is good, but it lacks an over sampler to filter out aliasing noise and it has a LOT of aliasing noise. I tested it with a sine sweep in logic pro. Very noisy. It also makes some of my other plugins displays flicker for some strange reason. That might just be apple's logic pro being dumb though. The thing that really killed BSA's clipper for me was it's cloud based activation. You HAVE to have internet access EVERY TIME you want to use the plugin. Even after you buy it! That's the one carnal sin of plugins I never forgive. If I buy a plugin, it should work no matter how old or disconnected my computer gets. So I can't say I recommend black salt audio.

Boz Digital Labs: Speaking of clippers, I own theirs. It's a great plugin. It's a little too processor heavy for my hamster wheel CPU though, so I never run it with over sampling active unless I'm rendering a project. The over sampling function goes up to 8x oversampling and it ACTUALLY works. Yes I tested it with a sine sweep to see if it really removed aliasing noise and it does. If you need a simple but nice clipper, maybe give this one a try.

Waves: One more of those companies that obviously got bought out/taken over by some evil at some point. Their older plugins are generally good. I still use the L2 and linear active EQ some times. Their elements synth is fantastic and flow motion is surprisingly nice. I do not however like this company. They went full dark side and it is highly unlikely I will buy anything from them again.

Sixthsample: Nothing bad to say about this company. Their deelay plugin is my goto delay. Fantastic sound. Highly intuitive interface. Having a built in ducker feature is particularly nice. It's probably the only delay plugin you will ever need. The only thing keeping it from being perfect is it doesn't show the value in numbers on the dials, so you have to feel it out a bit. It's still the best delay I've ever used. I highly recommend it.

D16: I have nothing bad to say about this company either. Their decimort II is the best bit crushing plugin I've used and is my goto for bitcrush. Their 303 emulation is the best I've used too. I highly recommend this company.

Sonible: I own the multi-band limiter and the multi-band compressor. Both are top quality and are my gotos. I use the saturation and side chaining function a lot. Ironically I don't ever use the "AI" part of these plugins, since I find doing things manually is actually quicker. The limiter can be extremely transparent. I highly recommend these plugins.

Korg: If I had to sum up this company it would be unfortunate disappointment. They have made some of my fave retro synths in the past and a few newer ones that ALMOST stayed on my rig. If just a couple hundred bucks more production design went into the monologue, I would have kept it. In fact I would have kept 2. The miniKorg reissue was disappointing and I didn't get to try the ARP reissue. I was really hyped for their retro synth plugin bundle but found out they wanted 100 god damned bucks PER synth. I tried many of their toy synths and kept none of them. The volca kick was fun but kinda pointless. The volca keys had a stepped filter that sounded like a clucking metal chicken in a blender. Massive noise issues too. Not as bad as my experience with early generation toy synths from Modal or IK Multimedia which were literally unusable but all the same, no thanks. So, I can't say I hate or love this company. At least they are trying I guess.

Roland: Just, don't. These are the asshats who made propeller-head take down a historical digital museum piece. The hypocrisy of this company is legendary. I own a couple retro synths of theirs. The old 2000s stuff is a menu diving nightmare. I've never even used 90% of what my fantomX6 is capable of, because the interface is so ABSOLUTELY SHITE. The really old 1980s retro synths are great though way too expensive to hold on to.

Studio Electronics: simply the best analog retro style synths on the market. I would not exactly call them affordable but they are at least within reach of serious armatures or small producers who are willing to save up. Having compared them to actual 1980s analog synths, I think Studio Electronics sounds as good if not better. Because they are new make stuff, they are a hell of a lot more reliable. The sweetness and silkiness of their BoomStar SE80 is epic. I would never say no to owning a BoomStar.

Kalimba magic: great little website if you are into those types of instruments. Nice guy runs it. I have nothing bad to say about them.

Melda Productions: these guys have a massive plugin library. I own the multi-band limiter, granular effects, stereo widener, saturator, level meter and tone generator. Good plugins with depth and function for miles. I use them all the time. I think my only criticism would be, their "mini" or stripped down versions lack the info and control I generally need to get good results. All the same, I would recommend people give this company a try.

Audio thing: Good stuff. Sometimes odd but often very useful plugins that may or may not eat CPU. I have a few of their products. Bubbles, Reels, Lines and Type A. Great interfaces. I use them from time to time. Fair prices. Worth a try IMO.

Puremagnitik: You get what you pay for. Lots of extremely affordable plugins and sample bundles that are, ok, if you don't expect too much from them. On occasion I use a few of their effects plugins and retro synth sampler packs. Can't really complain considering the price.

Eventideaudio: I know it's sacrilege but I can't stand this company. At the behest of colleges, I downloaded their 'black hole' reverb and what a waste of money that was. Even with full license and activation, it would not let me use my own plugin unless my computer has constant internet connection. Literally one of those "you'll pay us but own nothing" type of companies. Straight up shite. The few times I used teh black ole, it wasn't impressive. There are MUCH better companies and MUCH better reverb plugins out there.

Baby Audio: I can't say enough good things about this company. Their plugins are affordable, super intuitive, effective, useful, pretty and sound amazing. They also don't eat my CPU for lunch. 'Smooth operator' and 'spaced out' are my goto for active EQ/exciting and reverb/delay. I can't recommend this company enough.

Tokyodawn: These plugins are way too good to be free. I use their active EQ all the time, though I haven't gotten the ducker function to work properly for some reason.

WXaudio: People get offended over the Nani distortion plugin (it's the banana I'm told) but this is actually the best distortion plugin I've ever used. It is my goto for all distortion needs. It's super intuitive. Highly versatile and sounds great. My only complaint is it's kinda CPU heavy. If I run more than a few instances I can run into trouble. Even with that though, It's way too good a plugin to be the butt of jokes but the internet is strange I guess.

DreadBox: I have nothing bad to say about these guys. They make some amazing analog synths. I admit most of my experience is with their older models. Affordable with great sound. Actually better than great sound. Thunderous sound. sweet, dark, tangy. I would love to own one again.

Behringer: I guess I gota say something about them. I bought the moog clone. You know, the one they conveniently released the same time moog (rest in peace) released the expensive reissue. My clone mono synth came a little broken. I returned it. The new one was even more broken. I had it fixed. It was still broken. I had it fixed AGAIN. It worked, for a bit, then broke. I bought a new one. It broke after a year. I gave up. I only have one thing to say about behringer: Plugins are what's actually making retro synth/gear affordable, not behringer.

a1Audio: not much to say. I use their stereo control plugin when I need it. It does exactly what it's supposed to do. I recommend it.

Focusrite: Uuuuuuuuuuugh. Very affordable interfaces that never ever EVER seem to work consistently for me. I am tempted to get a motu instead.

LoopMasters: Very hit or miss. Some of the packs I've bought were highly useful. Some remain unused to this day. You kinda don't really know what you're getting into each time, so, it's a gamble.

Zildjian: For live cymbals these are my fave. Everyone always notices when I use them. Very open and sweet.

Schiit Audio: The company with the troll name that provides ACTUALLY affordable hifi equipment that sounds fantastic. A no bull shit company. Whether it's gaming audio, music production or just casual listening, I highly recommend this company.

Fibhorn: The company probably no one has heard of. Regardless, they have been my faithful speakers for years now. Their designs are not for the Bluetooth crowd but, for my purposes, they rock.

Moog: Ah moog. The synths I should have probably bought but was too dumb and/or broke to. I did own one of their slim phatty's at one point but stupidly I didn't keep it. It was a REALLY good synth for the price and still regret not keeping it. Oh well.

Intruo modular: Great guy who built some custom VCOs for me years ago. Really cool modular gear with great aesthetics.

Make noise: I've owned some of their modules as well as stand alone synths. Solid stuff. I miss my 0-coast. Very nice little brick of a synth.

SOMA Labroratory: This guy's great. Crazy innovative stuff. A bit too "far out" for a lot of productions but very inspiring stuff. I particularly enjoyed their 'rumble of ancient times' synth. If you are into experimenting, I recommend this company.

BeniDub: Expensive but legitimately studio quality stand alone effects boxes. Very intelligent designs aimed at engineers. Very consistent results. Great sound quality. If for some reason you need outboard gear and you can afford it, they are rock solid.

Strymon: Ah strymon, the company that keeps the "octave up effect" memes rolling. I have nothing bad to say about this company. They've always been nice to me and their gear is top quality. I've owed a number of their boxes, though ended up keeping none. It's not that they weren't awesome mind you. It's just hard to justify outboard digital effects in this day and age.

Hungry robot: Inspiring effects pedals from a really nice guy. I've owned a bunch but kept none. I really regret letting 'The karman Line' go. Such a great delay.

Neunaber: In case you didn't notice, I have a bit of a reverb addiction. Though I've heard their customer service is non-existent, their reverb pedal is way underrated. I owned their 'immerse' reverb pedal. Sold it and bought the newer version. It's PHENOMENAL IMO. I highly recommend it.

Chase Bliss Audio: I can't seem to get into these guys and the price tag isn't helping. Their gear is so cool but the interface is WAY too compact. There's just too much function being covered with too few knobs/buttons. Having a row of micro dip switches on the back of the thing is NOT an intuitive interface design. I've owned and sold many. Very neat but I'll pass.

Glyph: Can't talk about music in this day and age without talking about data storage. I've owned a few of their external HDs. The physical types tend to break after 5 years and so far the solid state ones haven't. Not bad stuff if you need a solid state external HD.

Apple products: Ok, the elephant in the room. Yes I use logic pro. Yes that means I am forced to use an apple OS. YES IT SUCKS OUT LOUD. Which is really a shame, because logic pro would be an amazing product if it weren't bogged down in apple shenanigans. Oh well.

Sennheiser: I know there are so many headphones from other companies that "you just gota get bro" but I have used this company all my life and have never been let down. Solid. Comfortable. It just works.

BigTickAudio: I only have one of their plugins and although I appreciate the functionality. The interface sucks in my opinion. I neither hate nor love this company. Give it a try maybe.

Full Bucket: This guy makes some great retro synth plugins. Not the best interface and a bit CPU hungry but I do use his stuff now and then. Very good sound quality. I would check it out.

Prolue: I own their chip-synth MD plugin and it is the best emulation of the sega genesis sound engine I've heard. It can also play the old music files from the games, which people provide via the internet. The interface is fine and the sound quality is great but it EATS my CPU bad. I highly recommend it, if you have the CPU.

Meinl: They make cheap percussion instruments. That's about it. If you need cheap percussion instruments, I guess you could do worse. I am fond of my aqua udu. Even though, years later, it still reeks of chemicals from the manufacturing. Unless your budget forbids it, I would recommend finding a smaller, more quality oriented company than Meinl.

Think Penguin: Not exactly music related but I wouldn't be typing this without them. Great small business for all your linux/computer/VPN needs. Only company I've EVER ENCOUNTERED that had a smart, effectual, articulate person, from my own area, on tech support. Dude literally spent the ENTIRE AFTERNOON on the phone with me doing tech support and never lost his cool. Yes we successfully fixed the issue I was having. These guys are ALSO my goto for computer gear. I have been getting their external HDs recently after my glyph physical HD bit the dust randomly. I highly recommend Think Penguin if you are in the market for anything their offer.

RareWaves. This guy is awesome. His drone synth is like a rock and I REALLY want to own one again. His 303 synth is also very cool though a bit limited. I highly recommend this company all the same.

Vermona: The one synth I owned from this company was great. Very simple but really good. Great interface and solid sound. I probably should have kept it lol.

Mutable Instruments modular: Tragic. Tragic indeed. One of the best, most inspiring companies with a great guy who was willing to one on one tech support with you. Synth engines taken by Arturia and exploited without credit given. Then the company disappears. Just plain tragic. If I had known it was going to go that way, I would have found a way to get a full euro rig of his modules and never let it go. Sad.

Arturia: Might as well mention them. Corporatist exploiters. Oh and the mini brute sucks too. Yeah I said it, and I would say it again.

4ms: Very cool modules that may or may not break at some point. I mean, I guess that's part of the risk with modular.

Blue Lantern: Great modules. Huge sound. I mean HUGE. I highly recommend them.

SacredWaves: Great tuning forks. They are my goto for physical tuning forks.

MysticMarvels: Great little company for physical analog noise machines. I use them all the time for all forts of stuff. Music, studio, relaxing, sleep, science. Good stuff. Very battery efficient too.

Shure: Mics that take a lickin and keep on kickin. I've owned them for years and never had one break.

Rode: I know there are a million microphones out there but this company has performed flawlessly for studio work, my whole life.

Yamaha: This company is, just too big for it's own good. They make everything and because of that, it's really a gamble whether they will do a good gob or just a mediocre one. As far as music gear goes. I have no complaints I guess. Though I don't own any of my yamaha gear anymore, I will say, they make a good pair of small affordable powered studio monitors.

RoseWill: You can't live without a keyboard and mouse. This is the only company I've found that makes a keyboard that lasts longer than the USB connector it's attached to. I highly recommend them.

'Zero Surge Inc' and 'SurgeX': These 2 companies are the only ones I've found that actually make power protection that legitimately works. A bit expensive but, you REALLY do get what you pay for with these 2.

Dave Smith: This guy had many different names for his company. I Never could get into his stuff. Not that I didn't try. I had some of his older 2010s gear and neither loved nor hated it. It had it's pros and cons. The newer 'take 5' synth looks promising but I'm just not in the market for something like that, nor will likely ever be. RIP Dave.

Mogami: These are the best cables. Used them all my life and was never let down. They are worth the extra dough.

Idiopan: Great little company, if you want a simple affordable tongue drum. I owned one of their medium sized models for a while. It was nice. Very though instruments too. The kind of thing I wouldn't worry about taking to the beach.

Warm Audio: if you can afford it, this company makes some decent outboard recording gear.

Golden Age Project: This is basically what you buy when you can't afford Warm Audio gear lol. I had one of their old mic pres and it was a solid work horse for years till I sold it. I have no complaints.




I'd like to share this as an odds and ends on my next mag. After skimming, I've determined I'm gonna have to read it all the way through!

Hey cool beans. I'm glad people are finding it interesting. <:3