Tell Congress to Stop “Mandatory Filing” for Supplements
That link is provided by a specific herbal protection group but this bill will effect ALL supplements not just that one herb! The FDA wants to regulate vitamins and supplements in general now. Regulate is just another word for control for profit.
The big pharmaceutical companies don't want the competition of inexpensive herbal remedies or vitamins getting in the way of their profit margins. Pharmaceutical companies use the FDA as a gate keeper to stop any product that would threaten big pharma. Many people including my self rely on inexpensive safe herbal and vitamin based products because western chemical medicine failed us or made our problems worse. There is only one week left to make your calls/emails.
I don't usually post political journals but this one's very important. If they force mandatory filling, most alternative treatments will be regulated out of existence and what's left will likely be made "by prescription only". Meaning far less selection, more red tape and MUCH higher prices. Big pharma tries to scare people into giving them more power. "this man killed himself by taking an entire pound of vitamin C. You see, you aren't capable of not killing yourself stupidly. Regulate everything for your safety so we can rule you and make shit loads of money". The same kind of propaganda that demonized weed for years till we all found out, it was mostly made up stories and really dumb extreme examples that were the only proof showing how "dangerous" it was. Terns out the truth isn't what they told us. No different now with herbs and vitamins.
The FDA isn't in the habit of approving cures or things that are effective yet inexpensive. Cures have long been known to be "unprofitable" since the patient isn't forced to continue buying meds if they have been cured. You might be surprised how many common products classify as supplements. Even stuff as simple as herbal tea, cough drops or natural bathroom products will likely be on the chopping block. Anything that currently says "not approved by the FDA" on it's packaging will likely disappear if mandatory filing is enforced and big pharma will NOT be giving you anything inexpensive and effective to replace it.