So youtube’s algorithms literally REFUSED to let me post this response. Jee, I wonder why?:
"People get annoyed when “experts” claim that the real life world/universe are digital. That real life is made up of a finite number of bits, just like what's in your computer. That it's actually analog and infinity that are the illusion. People get annoyed at that because it’s not scientifically sound. It’s a religious belief. A belief that sells an imitation as equal to or better than the real thing. Real physics continually points towards evidence that our reality/universe is continuous and infinite, not finite. Your computer is what creates illusions in a finite resolution. A mimicking of reality. A quick on line search of “the infinite fractal nature of the universe” will show, the whole word is not made up of finite bits like in a computer.
Doesn’t matter how high the resolution of digital. Analog means analog. Digital means digital. They are 2 fundamentally different things. That’s why we have 2 different terms. One is limited to the finite resolution of your computer, the other is not. Or have these “experts” discovered the end of the universe? (No they haven’t) Or perhaps a magic computer with infinite resolution? (No again) By the way, computers have 2 kinds of “bits” 1 and 0, the real world has how many types of “bits”? I suppose these “experts” have looked at your skin under an electron microscope and seen the 1s and 0s? It’s a joke, no they haven’t, because they aren’t there.
You can believe you (a human) aren’t analog but it’s about as true as flat earth. The human body IS continuous. There is no real end to the size of the particles you are made of. Every smaller particle is made up of even smaller particles, endlessly. Every time people claim “they found the smallest particle”, a decade down the line or so, science finds something smaller. The only thing that changes is our technological ability to “see” or measure smaller and smaller realms of the universe. A photograph is only made of pixels in a computer. Analog film developed by straight chemical processes (not an office printer) doesn’t quite work that way. When you hear live performance of analog instruments, there is no sampling rate.
I respect “experts” freedom to believe in what ever religion they wish but call it what it is: A religion."