Best budget mixing monitors: Just dug up my Yamaha HS5s again and I am totally selling my more expensive ones and going back to using the HS5s.
For anyone who's done studio work, you know you need good mixing monitors. Now please note, I'm talking about mixing monitors, not tracking monitors. Many mixing monitors are expensive as dick and for that reason I can't say I've ever owned the much pricer ones. that being said, high prices don't mean the budget producer can't have mixing monitors that will give a good or even great mix. To date the best I've ever found are also some of the cheapest. The Yamaha HS5 . Over the years I've owned a few different monitors, smaller, larger, more expensive, less expensive, but I always keep coming back to the HS5. Reason is simple, they produce good mixes. Not perfect mixes but GOOD mixes. Now being imperfect and small you have to have a little engineering experience to get the low bass mixed right but for the price you really can't beat these. At least not from my experience. The key is, they don't "sound good". They sound dull, flat and boring. This means you are inclined to mix your tracks on the sweeter side, to make up for it. The end result is a good sounding mix, that will sound good no matter where you bring it. It further proves the rule of thumb, that, if your monitors sound amazing, your mixes will likely sound the opposite. If your monitors sound uninspiring, your mixes will sound the opposite. Not surprising these are by Yamaha. The same company responsible, way back when, for the “shrill boxes” that helped revolutionize mixing.
If any of you all have stories about your fave or least fave monitors, please share. :)